„Ich hat­te eine groß­ar­ti­ge Lern­rei­se mit mei­nem Coach Clau­dia.
Sie iden­ti­fi­ziert schnell und pro­fes­sio­nell Ver­bes­se­rungs­be­rei­che., wert­schät­zend und klar.
Ich kann ihr voll und ganz ver­trau­en und konn­te offen über mei­ne Schwie­rig­kei­ten in bestimm­ten Situa­tio­nen spre­chen. Sie gibt immer ihr ehr­li­ches und kon­struk­ti­ves Feed­back. Und mit ihrem Feed­back habe ich mich sehr ver­bes­sert und es hat mir auch gehol­fen, ein Assess­ment mit den bes­ten Ergeb­nis­sen zu bestehen. Sie weiß genau, wie sie das Bes­te aus ihrem Coa­chee her­aus­ho­len kann. Der bes­te Coach, den ich mir wün­schen konn­te! Dan­ke Clau­dia!“

Teamleiter und product owner, Versicherungsbranche

I had a gre­at jour­ney with my coach Clau­dia.
She is someone who can iden­ti­fy your are­as of impro­ve­ment from the begin­ning. I can total­ly trust her and it allo­wed me to speak open­ly about my dif­fi­cul­ties in facing cer­tain situa­tions. She always gives her honest and con­s­truc­ti­ve feed­back. And with her feed­back, I have impro­ved mys­elf a lot and it also hel­ped me to clear my assess­ment with the best results. She knows exact­ly how to get the best out of her coa­chee. The best coach that I could wish for! Thank you Clau­dia!

Team lead and product owner, insurance company

Clau­dia sup­ports us inten­si­ve­ly with designs and deli­very of lea­der­ship pro­grams. Her ener­gy and crea­ti­vi­ty are a real asset to us and the par­ti­ci­pan­ts. With her open and posi­ti­ve atti­tu­de, she rea­ches out to ever­yo­ne and crea­tes a trust­wor­t­hy and posi­ti­ve cli­ma­te in the group.

People Development, supplier automotive industry

What fasci­na­ted me most about Claudia’s Coa­ching was that she had a sui­ta­ble and rea­li­stic idea about any topic and ques­ti­on I had. This was not always „rocket sci­ence “, yet some­ti­mes simp­le and prag­ma­tic ways of doing, which she show­ed and explai­ned with her char­ming way of deli­ve­ring. And what can I say? It always work­ed!

Team lead, energy corporation

I real­ly app­re­cia­te Clau­dia Wabel’s fan­ta­stic prag­ma­tism and at the same time hig­hest qua­li­ty along with her humor and pro­fes­sio­na­lism.

Team leader Quality, chemical corporation

If every par­ti­ci­pant only chan­ges one thing after this trai­ning, and I am very sure that this will hap­pen, then you can have the won­derful fee­ling that you chan­ged the world. Isn’t that won­derful?

Head of production, supplier automotive industry

The Coa­ching hel­ped me to iden­ti­fy my strengths in a new con­text and to app­re­cia­te them and use them pro­duc­tively. Thank you very much, Clau­dia Wabel

Department Lead, Electronic corporation

The Coa­ching has ful­fil­led all my expec­ta­ti­ons, in some way even excee­ded them. The impul­ses and obser­va­tions I gai­ned in the con­ver­sa­ti­ons hel­ped me to deve­lop in my busi­ness and pri­va­te life. To be honest: I did not expect that in the begin­ning.

Project Lead, IT Business

I coope­ra­te with Clau­dia Wabel alre­a­dy many years. Clau­dia sup­ports us extern­al­ly with com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on and Lea­der­ship trai­nings as well as Coa­ching. The geni­us mix of high­ly pro­fes­sio­nal work and deep exper­ti­se and her posi­ti­ve human view of the world con­vin­ce us again and again. We found the right trai­ner with her.

Head of People Development, mid-size corporation

I have enjoy­ed the Coa­ching a lot, becau­se Ms. Wabel is able to com­mu­ni­ca­te dif­fi­cult topics under­stan­d­a­b­ly and with the right dosa­ge. She coa­ches effec­tively and results-ori­en­ted.

CEO, retail Company