In a Coa­ching, you can reflect your effect on others, how to use your strengths, and you can have a clo­ser look at your “bio­to­pe”. Coa­ching is tail­o­red to your indi­vi­du­al needs and con­cerns.

Coa­ching has a frame­work, both in terms of time and con­tent: a mee­ting to get to know each other, to see if the­re is a human and fac­tu­al fit bet­ween us, fol­lo­wed by seve­ral mee­tings, in which only your con­cerns are dis­cus­sed, and a review, whe­re we take time to see what we accom­plished. If a third per­son in your com­pa­ny faci­li­ta­tes or initia­tes the coa­ching, we have a joint mee­ting at the begin­ning and at the end to cla­ri­fy the roles and the frame­work of the coa­ching.

We design this frame­work tog­e­ther. I will ask ques­ti­ons, try to be the­re, to enable you to grow. This frame­work can be desi­gned in dif­fe­rent ways, and methods that suit you: exch­an­ge and dia­lo­gue, Spar­ring, using crea­ti­ve and inno­va­ti­ve sources. Your goals and con­cerns can and may chan­ge in the cour­se of the coa­ching and we adapt them fle­xi­bly. We deter­mi­ne the time frame tog­e­ther — or it is deter­mi­ned by your com­pa­ny.


  • Pre­pa­ring an assessment/development cen­ter
  • Desig­ning a role chan­ge
  • Fil­ling your (new) lea­der­ship role
  • Sol­ving con­flicts
  • Having inter­cul­tu­ral chal­lenges
  • Stär­ken erken­nen und bewusst ein­set­zen
  • Inspi­ra­ti­on
  • Unsicherheit/Unzufriedenheit
  • Auf der Stel­le tre­ten
  • Trans­for­ma­ti­on beglei­ten

Let’s talk — I look for­ward to the exch­an­ge with you !